Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Massacre at the Mill!

After doing a few errands this morning, I came home to this carnage...


The victim

It wasn't me...honest!

Exhibit 1

Case closed - Guilty verdict!
 But then Audrey is just so darn cute that she tends to get away with anything!

Today has not been the most productive - I have managed not to complete any projects but I'm hoping with the weather being as rotten as it is that I will batten down the hatches and get to some quilting tomorrow.  A trip to a local fabric shop was surprising fruitful however, with some lovely ribbons and a wee piece of ultra sweet vintage looking Winnie the Pooh fabric which is going to have to go into some baby-themed project very soon! It's rare that this happens but I love it when it does! :)

Monday, 13 August 2012

Room for some renovation!

So this is my very first post on my very own new shiny blog! So what to write, how to lay it out, what photos to put in, how many, how to get a photo onto my computer in the first place?! So many questions, I'm confused already! All I can say first off is welcome to the Mill! It is very basic in layout and I have no idea what I'm doing but being one of the many inspired by the lovely Judith I'm going to give this blogging thingy a bit of a rattle.

Please be patient while I get my bearings - the furnishings might change a little and I have a lot to learn about blogging etiquette but I hope to get there in the end.

On to introductions! My name is Ainslie and I am one of Judith's pupils. She is a brilliant teacher and has literally taught me how to switch a sewing machine on but now I'm officially hooked! Just to be clear - Judith is not sponsor of this blog; no, she is simply my dealer (of fabric, patterns and general haberdashery) which will become evident when you see a lot of my upcoming projects!

Other than sewing, this blog will hopefully cover something of my other interests and life in general - my attempts at home cooking, crafting and my new adventures into motherhood ( I have a little one due in 5 weeks!).

Ok, so this post is already a lot wordier (and less photo-ier, first black mark but I'm serious about not knowing how to upload a photo to my computer!)than I intended so I will sign off for now. Maybe you will find this blog interesting, maybe not, maybe no-one will read it at all, but I'm looking forward to getting started - I have another 5 weeks of maternity leave before the madness begins! :)